
Pay in Naira

Complete your booking by making a bank transfer to

PI Immigration Consultancy Ltd
FCMB Account no: 7787958015 Please add 7.5% VAT


Gtbank account Oladayo Abiodun-Balogun Gtb acc no 0013395329




Please see below the Naira Equivalent of services on our page.

Permanent Residence Consultation -₦240,000
General Consultation (Permanent Residence +Study Consultation) – ₦312,900
Study Consultation – ₦240,000
Visit Consultation – ₦150,000
Owner/Operator LMIA – ₦700,000
Investment visa Consultation – ₦782,280
Visa Rejection Service – ₦312,900
Urgent Consultation – ₦700,000

Once payment is made, send proof of payment and the desired time of booking to info@piimmigration.ca, and we will confirm your booking.

Please check our consultation page for available appointment times.

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